Bowen Island FC introduces young children to soccer with its Mini House program which is all about having fun and learning the basics of the sport.
Our youngest program is our U5s which is designed for 4 and 5 year olds. We often get requests from parents for children as young as 3 but the Club feels 4 is the right age to start.
Sessions at U5 and U6 are limited to 45 minutes, any longer may be a challenge as the children tend to lose focus. At U7 we expand the sessions to and provide hour-long sessions.

What To Expect
An 8-week program for young players to learn basic soccer skills and start to build a love of the game.
Our primary focus in on providing a fun and safe environment for our players, many of whom have never kicked a ball before.

​U5s/U6s practice once a week on Saturdays, while U7 and U8s have two sessions, one on Saturdays and another during the week. All sessions are held at the Turf Field at BICS.​
Spring: April 12 - June 7
Fall: TBD

U5/U6: $100
U7/U8: $150
See our Terms and Conditions in our Important Information section for more details.