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Vote For Your Favourite BIFC Nickname

Bowen Island FC has narrowed its team nickname contest down to three finalists and to help us choose the winner we are asking our members to vote for their favourite on our social media platforms.

The winning name will be used across the club for all of our programs and teams and we will create a secondary logo to match the nickname. The images on twitter, facebook and instagram are just to give you an idea of possible branding and not a final version. The three finalists are:

1) Bowen Arrows

2) Bowen Antlers

3) Bowen Owls

Please visit us on Instagram at (choose a heart on the appropriate name or image).

On Facebook you can vote for your choice in the comments section by indicating your favorite.

On Twitter we are holding a poll so please visit us at

The voting is open until July 11th at which point we will tally up the votes and announce our winner.

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